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Campus: BROCKChange
Term: 2024FAChange
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- ABED - Aboriginal Research And Education
- ABTE - Aboriginal Studies
- ACCC - Accounting
- ACTG - Accounting
- ADED - Adult Education
- ADMI - Org Behaviour,Hr Managemnt,Entrepreneurship,Ethics
- ADST - Applied Disability Studies
- AHSC - Applied Health Sciences (Faculty)
- APCO - Computer Science
- ARCO - Exchange Courses
- ASTR - Physics
- BCHM - Biological Sciences
- BIOL - Biological Sciences
- BOST - Student Development
- BRDG - Student Development
- BTEC - Biotechnology
- BTGD - Game Design
- CANA - Canadian Studies
- CCES - Education
- CHEM - Chemistry
- CHYS - Child And Youth Studies
- CLAS - Classics
- COMM - Communication, Popular Culture And Film
- COSC - Computer Science
- CRIM - Sociology
- DART - Dramatic Arts
- DASA - Computer Science
- DDCO - Exchange Courses
- ECEC - Education
- ECON - Economics
- EDBE - Education
- EDUC - Education
- ENCW - English Language & Literature
- ENGL - English Language & Literature
- ENGR - Engineering
- ENGS - Engineering
- ENSU - Environmental Sustainability Research Centre
- ENTR - Org Behaviour,Hr Managemnt,Entrepreneurship,Ethics
- ERSC - Earth Sciences
- ETHC - Org Behaviour,Hr Managemnt,Entrepreneurship,Ethics
- FILM - Communication, Popular Culture And Film
- FMSC - Mathematics And Science (Faculty)
- FNCE - Finance, Operations And Information Systems
- FPAC - Forensic Psychology And Criminal Justice
- FREN - Modern Languages, Literature And Culture
- GAME - Interactive Arts And Science
- GEOG - Geography And Tourism
- GERM - Modern Languages, Literature And Culture
- GERO - Applied Health Sciences (Faculty)
- GREE - Classics
- HIST - History
- HLSC - Health Sciences
- HUMA - Humanities Interdisciplinary
- HUMC - English Language & Literature
- IASC - Interactive Arts And Science
- IELP - English As A Second Language Services
- IENG - Engineering
- INDG - Aboriginal Studies
- ISDS - Mathematics And Science (Faculty)
- ITAL - Modern Languages, Literature And Culture
- ITIS - Finance, Operations And Information Systems
- KINE - Kinesiology
- LABR - Labour Studies
- LATI - Classics
- LAWP - Non Credit Courses
- LCBE - Education
- LING - Applied Linguistics
- MACC - Accounting
- MARS - Medieval And Renaissance Studies
- MATH - Mathematics And Statistics
- MBAB - Org Behaviour,Hr Managemnt,Entrepreneurship,Ethics
- MEDP - Non Credit Courses
- MGMT - Marketing, International Business And Strategy
- MKTG - Marketing, International Business And Strategy
- MLLC - Modern Languages, Literature And Culture
- MPAC - Accounting
- MPHA - Applied Health Sciences (Faculty)
- MPKI - Kinesiology
- MSCM - Accounting
- MUSI - Music
- NEUR - Neuroscience
- NURS - Nursing
- NUSC - Nursing
- OBHR - Org Behaviour,Hr Managemnt,Entrepreneurship,Ethics
- OEVI - Oenology & Viticulture
- OPER - Finance, Operations And Information Systems
- PCUL - Communication, Popular Culture And Film
- PHIL - Philosophy
- PHYS - Physics
- PMPB - Org Behaviour,Hr Managemnt,Entrepreneurship,Ethics
- POLI - Political Science
- PSYC - Psychology
- RECL - Recreation And Leisure Studies
- SCIE - Chemistry
- SCIS - Chemistry
- SJES - Social Justice And Equity Studies
- SOCI - Sociology
- SOSC - Social Science (Faculty)
- SPAN - Modern Languages, Literature And Culture
- SPMA - Sport Management
- SSAS - Environmental Sustainability Research Centre
- SSCI - Environmental Sustainability Research Centre
- STAC - Studies In Arts And Culture
- STAT - Mathematics And Statistics
- STEP - Student Development
- TOUR - Geography And Tourism
- VADV - English As A Second Language Services
- VINT - English As A Second Language Services
- VISA - Visual Arts
- WGST - Women's And Gender Studies
- WRDS - English Language & Literature